This is a full list of our upcoming events and workshop series, as well as an archive of our past events.
If you have a workshop offering you would like to put on, please email us at alterartssociety@gmail.com to arrange an art workshop in our makerspace.
You can also follow us on our Facebook Page or Instagram.
Events at the Art Hub
Upcoming Weekly Activities & Events
Join us during our open Drop In Hours, or join us at a community event.
Entry fees help to cover the cost of supplies, payments for instructors, overhead, and insurance for the organization.
If you love what we do, please consider becoming a Patron of the Arts with
a recurring donation to the Community Art Hub
Valentine's Card Making
Thursday Feb 13th from 3-7pm
The Community Art Hub will be closed for the holidays from December 22nd to January 5th.
We will reopen with a new set of Drop in Hours on January 6th.
Happy holidays from the whole Alter Arts team.
Sewing and Fiber Arts Meet Up
Wednesday Dec 4 & 8 from 6-8pm
We have two more Sewing and Fiber Arts meetups happening tomorrow Wednesday December 4th and again Wed Dec 18th from 6-8pm.
Got a project you are working on and need a hand? Want to sit together for a stitch and bitch? Please join us tomorrow evening!
Drop in is $5 and we have more supplies than we can handle, please come create with us!Holiday Embroidery Workshop
Monday Dec 9th from 6-8pm
Embroider a sweet holiday tea towel using the stem stitch! Choose from several single-line designs to add some holiday cheer to your kitchen or give as a gift.
Embroidery is easy, relaxing, and inexpensive. Join us to learn one simple stitch that can be used for everything from decorating household linens, or adding custom embellishment to clothing.
Tea Towels and embroidery thread will be provided, but our hoops must go home with the instructor. We will be using 6”- 8” hoops if you have an embroidery hoop at home or if you would like to make the investment in buying one.
We will be gathering at the Community Art Hub on Monday November 9th from 6-8pm. We are asking for $10 for participation in the workshop and participants will be able to take home a simple embroidered tea-towel and the skills to continue creating at home! If finances are a barrier, please send us an email to alterartssociety@gmail.com for support to attend this workshop.Hoilday Card Making Workshop
Sunday December 15th from 2-5pm
Gather with us this season as we learn to make the gift of art with our Card Making Workshop taking place Sunday December 15th from 2-5pm.
Join us as we learn to use a variety of tools to make up to 3 holiday cards. We will be using a multimedia approach, including learning how to use of the die cut machine to make applications and cutouts, and the Cricut Digital tool to draw perfect holiday messages
Participation costs $10 and everyone will walk away with several cards to gift their loved ones, and the knowledge and skill to use the Cricut for various projects moving forward.
We are looking forward to creating with you!
Holiday Closure
November 20th from 6-8pm
The Community Art Hub will be closed for the holidays from December 22nd to January 5th.
We will reopen with a new set of Drop in Hours on January 6th.
Happy holidays from the whole Alter Arts team.
Past Events
Sewing Drop in Sessions @ The Community Art Hub
November 20th from 6-8pm
Got a sewing project you've started and now you're stuck? Need some inspiration to pick up that old project? This is the space for you. We have the privilege of hosting expert sewing volunteers available to lend a helping hand with all your sewing project questions.
Please join us every other Wednesday for our Drop In Sewing Meetup from 6 to 8pm starting Sept 11 and Sept 25th
Suggested donation of $5 for access to the space, sewing supplies and volunteer's expert advice.
Please BYO sewing machine and notions if you are able. We have one Brother Sewing machine and one 4 Thread Serger available for use but the more machines the better. There is also a Brother NQ1700E embroidery machine, some notions, an ironing board and an iron available for use.
Hallowen Costume Making
October 23rd from 6-8pm
Got a Halloween Costume you are working on and need a hand?
Please join us every other Wednesday for our Drop In Sewing Meetup from 6 to 8pm starting Sept 11 and Sept 25th
Suggested donation of $5 for access to the space, sewing supplies and volunteer's expert advice.
Please BYO Glue sticks, sewing machine and notions if you are able. We have one Brother Sewing machine and one 4 Thread Serger available for use but the more machines the better. There is also a Brother NQ1700E embroidery machine, some notions, an ironing board and an iron available for use.
Leather Mask Making with Muse Masks
October 21st from 5-8pm *Date Changed*
Learn to make your own natural leather mask with Muse Masks! In this 3 and a half hour class we will cut and sculpt vegetable tanned leather using a traditional water hardening technique. You can design your own mask, or use one of the many templates provided.
Pre-registration required: https://forms.gle/QbNv2TB4Xf4fbHph6
Upon completion of the pre-registration you will be given the email to send payment for the workshop. This 3 hour workshop is $85 and includes all materials you will need. Payment by e-transfer.
This workshop is suitable for ages 13 and up.
10 person maximum, we will close the registration when the class is full.
This class is for medium size masks - imagine something about the size of your face or smaller, horns are okay though! You will leave the class with a beautiful (or creepy!) unpainted natural leather mask, and instructions on how to paint dye or collage it later at home if you wish.
All materials will be provided. All you need to bring is your creativity, and a pair of sharp scissors suitable for cutting fabric/leather. Any regular size scissors that are reasonably sharp will do.
Please note — Pre registration is required.
Sewing Drop in Series
Every other Tuesday evening - will resume in September
Got a sewing project you've started and now you're stuck? Need some inspiration to pick up that old project? This is the space for you. We have the privilege of hosting expert sewing volunteers available to lend a helping hand with all your sewing project questions.
Please join us every other Tuesday for our Drop In Sewing Meetup from 5 to 8pm. Suggested donation of $5 for access to the space, sewing supplies and volunteer's expert advice.
Please BYO sewing machine and notions if you are able. We have one Brother Sewing machine and one 4 Thread Serger available for use but the more machines the better. There is also a Brother NQ1700E embroidery machine, some notions, an ironing board and an iron available for use.
Tuesday June 11 we will be learning how to make a zipper pouch with Ann!
Tuesday June 25th is a drop in and is an opportunities for folks to get together with a project you are working on and to get help when you're stuck. It is welcome to more experienced sewers seeking some community while working on a project, or if you want to volunteer to contribute your well earned experience to guiding others. This is a community event, so we want to foster an environment of community support for fibre arts.
DIY Patches: A two part workshop
Thursday April 25th and Friday April 26th from 5-8pm
We are so pleased to announce our DIY Patches workshop in a two part series!
Part 1: Embroidery Machine with Jane Low Thursday April 25 from 5 to 8pm.
The first part of this workshop we will gather with Jane and learn how to use the embroidery machine for our patches. We will be using the Brother NQ1700E Embroidery Machine.
This is the machine we will be learning: https://www.brother.ca/en/p/NQ1700E
Participation will cost $5, payable by cash or card on site. We will learn how to thread the machine, how to set up our chosen designs from the machine, and how to use stabilizers with our materials to get the best results. Every participant will go home with an individual patch with either their monogram or a very simple design that is pre-programmed in the Embroidery Machine.
The purpose of this workshop is to learn the mechanics of the embroidery machine and to the fundamentals of how to make a patch. This is also an ideal workshop for anyone that missed our Embroidery machine look and learn demo in the fall.
Part 2: Custom Patches with InkStitch Software Lesson with Cameron Friday April 26th from 5-8pm.
Cameron will be teaching us how to use the Ink Stitch software which is free and downloadable via their website. This is the tool needed to make custom patches because the embroidery machine can only read .PES files.
Lamp Conversion Workshop
Saturday April 27th from 10am to 4pm
"The light of the lamps illuminates the liminal space between silliness and reverence, community building and self exploration, and the differences that make us unique and the similarities that bring us together." - Lamplit Art Society
You've seen them around at local events and functions, these surreal and beautiful lamps decorating the oddest of spaces and sparking the silliest of conversations. Have you ever dreamed of becoming a Lamp Caretaker? Well this is your chance! We are so excited to partner with Lamplit Art Society to bring our community a full day intensive Lamp Workshop.
Saturday April 27th from 10am to 4pm we will be hosting a Lamp Conversion Workshop at the Community Art Hub located at 901 Kings St at the back of the Quadra Village Community Center.
*Registration, lamp approval, and battery pack required*
Making these beautiful lamps is more complicated than it may seem at first glance, so we must limit how many participants are able to join us to make sure we are able to complete our lamp projects from start to finish. Advanced registration is required, with a maximum capacity of 12 participants for our full day of lamp making. Participants also need to supply their own lamp and battery pack that meets the Lamp Requirements.
More information about the event registration and Lamp requirements is available via the Eventbrite link here: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/865872908177?aff=oddtdtcreator
Alter Arts Society is a registered non-profit organization and community initiative by and for artists located on the traditional territories of the Lək̓ʷəŋən people.
Those of us who are uninvited visitors to these territories, respectfully seek opportunities to unlearn oppressive, colonial practices that we have benefited from, and to follow the lead of the Indigenous stewards of these lands. We are committed to questioning existing power structures, supporting the decolonization of our society and institutions, and supporting Indigenous self-determination.
Brought to you by Alter Arts Society.
Contact our Board of Directors
© 2024